Responsibilities of Editorial Board Members

Editorial Board structure:

The Editorial Board of JUMDC comprises of Editor-in-Chief, Editor's, and Editorial Board members. Editor-in-Chief remains the chairperson of the board, hence allowed to take the final decision in any regard.
The formation of the Editorial Board is done through incorporating global experts with excellent academic track records.
To help ensure the integrity of the scholarly record and the publication process, editorial offices should define and implement best practices in publication ethics. JUMDC complies with COPE guide is a comprehensive toolkit that explains expected ethical practices in scholarly publishing, and highlights resources for editorial offices to develop their codes of ethical conduct and practice Ethics-toolkit-journal-editors-publishers  

Editorial Board Responsibilities:

  • All Editorial Board members must obey the direction provided by the Editor-in-Chief/ Editor of the journal.
  • Once the plagiarism check is completed, every article will be assigned to an Editor. If the article is in the area of the Editor’s research interested, it is expected that the assigned Editor will take up the assignment at the earliest possible time. If he or she wants to deny the assignment due to some personal reason, that should also be informed to the Editorial Office at the earliest possible convenience.
  • Honesty and transparency are must become an Editorial Board member, where an Editor should judge every submission equally and transparently.
  • The Editor-in-Chief can take the final decision for any publication-oriented issue.
  • If required, the Editor may provide the necessary guidelines and dictate the process of submission to the author.
  • The editor should not reveal any information regarding the author, reviewer, or article to anyone. Complete confidentiality maintenance is mandatory.
  • Associate editor, who commissions articles; coordinates peer review; liaises with authors, reviewers, and board members; writes short editorials, news, and research highlights; and carries out heavy developmental/technical editing of manuscripts.
  • Once the Editorial Office notifies the Editor regarding any information at any stage of the publication process for an assigned manuscript, the  Editor should respond as early as possible.
  • Along with the publisher, the Editorial Board members are responsible for timely publishing the accepted articles.
  • It is Editor’s responsibility to inform the selected reviewers that reviewers are not entitled to use any part of the work in any form provided in the article they are reviewing. Reviewers should also inform about the complete confidentiality of the assignments they are undertaking.
  • If any special issue proposal is submitted to the journal, the assigned Editorial Board member should review the proposal for suitability with the journal's scope, timeliness, and assessing the scope and  importance of the topic.
  • Editors should provide time-to-time input regarding the targeted readers and their preferences.